Pull Requests Accepted

  1. vs-code-pets-extension
  2. hacktoberfest-swag-list


In 2022, my journey into open source began with Hacktoberfest, an event hosted by DigitalOcean, Docker, and AppWrite. Working with a community of software enthusiasts helped me realize the value of contributing to open source projects. The month-long event required participants to submit four pull requests that added value to the open source community. After completing the challenge, I even got a tree planted in my name at the DigitalOcean Forest!

Project Scope

Participating in open source projects can provide developers with various benefits, including skill development, networking, community involvement, contribution to society, exposure, and access to code. Additionally, contributing to open source projects can help developers improve skills, build their professional network, and make a positive contribution to society.

By participating in Hacktoberfest, I made meaningful contributions to open source software projects, including vscode-pets. Through creating pull requests and collaborating with other developers, I improved the quality of documentation, gained experience working on large-scale software projects, and learned how to use Git and GitHub to manage version control and code contributions.

Lessons Learned

Overall, my experience in open source helped me grow personally and professionally. It allowed me to develop new skills, gain confidence in my abilities as a software developer, and become part of a community of volunteers passionate about open source software.